‘Diyor’ Deposit

This product is offered to all individual customers working abroad and interested in saving part of the money they send home. The product is designed to help the migrants generate savings. The product can be opened/used by the migrants transferring money themselves and also by the beneficiaries receiving money from the migrants.

For information about banking tariffs on this product, please see the table.


  • Deposit is accepted both in national and foreign currencies;
  • Deposit is accepted both in cash and non-cash forms;
  • The minimum amount of initial contribution to deposit in national currency -100 somonis, in foreign currencies: 20- $, 1 000- rubles;
  • An additional contribution to the deposited amount is allowed;

List of required documents:

  • Proof of identity (passport);
  • TIN;


  • Secure your remittance funds with a well-respected and safe local bank;
  • Directly deposit your remittance funds into your FMFB account;
  • Remotely access and manage remittances sent to your account;
  • Earn high interest on remittances sent;